Thursday 16 August 2012

Along the way!

I find it really fascinating how that life has something new to teach every day. Whether as it relates to your relationships, personal life, business, or spiritual life, life teaches you lessons that ordinary you don’t get to learn in school.  The things we learn along the way are what matters the most, not our actual destination. You will be amazed at the things you would learn if only you can pay close attention not to only what goes on inside of you, but also around your immediate environment. Life is a growth school, and only the observant ones get to learn the real lessons.

For a moment, let’s talk about one issue that affects us as individuals. This is not one of those writings where I go all “deep” and “emotional” No! I hope I can express my thoughts in its simplest and basic form without much grammars and all; just plain talk. To start with, I would like to ask you a question: have you ever had people come to you looking for the person they use to know but somehow discovered a new YOU? They expect you to be that same guy or girl they use to know 2 to five years ago but you’ve changed!

Whether we like it or not, the people we know today would someday change either for good or bad and we shouldn’t feel bitter when they no longer relate with us the way they use to. This happens so that we can learn to welcome new people into our lives. When God created man he said: “it is not good for a man to be alone” and out of man’s rib he formed a woman. God’s intention I believe, was for the woman to be his companion, help mate, and supporter. He realized that in order for man to be fulfilled he would need someone he can relate with.

So you see, relationships play a very important role in our lives and in order for us to be all that God intends for us to be we must learn to walk with people. In doing so, we must pay close attention to how our actions affect the people in our lives; people may forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Those little things you do on a daily basis go a long way in making the difference in someone’s life. You may not know it, but somehow, someone, somewhere, is being affected by those actions of yours.  As you travel through life, you would realize that very few people are the best you will ever meet. For the others, just try and be the best to them; be interested in their needs rather than be an interesting person to them.

As we grow up, we realize that it becomes less important to have a ton of friends, and more important to have just a few. The closer you get to destiny the fewer your crowd becomes. I remember how that Abraham told those two servants of he’s that embarked on a journey with him to wait behind while he climbs up the mountain with his son. It wasn’t that those servants of he’s weren’t loyal or trustworthy, but the truth is out of their love for Isaac, they would have discouraged Abraham from sacrificing Isaac as God had commanded.

Trust me when I say this, It is really painful when you have to kiss good bye to certain people who contributed the most in your life. The truth is we all at a later time in life will go our separate ways. We all at a later time in life may not get to say those funny and silly things to ourselves. We may not call each other over the phone anymore. We may not have the opportunity to send text messages that reads “Hope u r good? Just thought I should check on u. Take care" as many of us may change our phone no’s, and probably stop using the social networks. We may not see ourselves to ask how both families are doing. It is painful!

But in spite of all these, what matters the most is the time we spent with each other. Those 10 to 15 minutes we stood talking, those three to four minutes we spent talking on phone and those text messages that was sent. You would realize that everyone you came in contact with had something to teach you.

As I conclude, I want you to know that that there is nothing in your history that is has big as what God has for you in your destiny. Cherish every moment because once those moments are gone they are gone forever, never to come back again. I believe when destiny comes knocking on your door, one question you should expect is: “What lessons did you learn along the way?”



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